Cancer and Nutrition, A Ten Point Plan for Prevention and Cancer Life Extension


By Charles B. Simone, M.MS., M.D.

Hardcover, 304 pages, 1350 references
Third Revision (January 2005), First Printed 1981
First in its genre, ISBN 0-9714574-3-3

“I am convinced that if everyone would follow Dr. Simone’s plan early enough in life and take it seriously, we would make major strides toward putting the cancer doctors out of work and approach the legacy of health that is within our reach.”
Robert A. Good, Ph.D., M.D. Former President and Director, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital

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One of every two Americans will develop cancer (A). Most adult cancer patients today live no longer than those who had it in 1920 (B). Treatments produce the same length of life, but when you modify your lifestyle, you may live longer (C).

Dr. Simone reviews how good health can be yours. Since genetics cause only 7% of cancers, you have control. Dr. Simone, a world renowned cancer specialist, is brave enough to share with you the truth about cancer prevention and treatment without emotion or influence from the medical establishment, pharmaceutical industry, national organizations, special interest groups or government agencies. Be your own advocate. Don’t leave it to others. You can virtually control the destiny of your health.

By following his easy Ten Point Plan, you can reduce the risk for cancer, or, if you have cancer, you can help extend your life. The choice is yours.




Kirkus Review May 1, 1983:

This is the way it should be done: a responsible interpretation of recent findings on possible food and cancer relationships, set into a useable framework for individual action.  Dr. Simone, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School (formerly at the National Cancer Institute), notes that cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S. and briefly explains how each of several factors have been implicated in its increasing incidence: direct diet and nutritional risk factors, chemical and environmental agents, occupational risks, genetic factors, atherosclerosis, hormonal factors, and radiation.  He then clarifies the complex body’s defense systems and describes the role of various nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals) in maintaining and strengthening those systems.  On the other hand, however, are the cancer-related risks of eating – most prominently, from (deliberate) food additives and (accidental) food contaminants.  Simone also reports startling evidence that obesity and cardiovascular disease are related not only to recognized nutritional problems, but are increasingly being associated with the higher incidence of cancer.  Still in the category of news are the direct links between breast cancer and high fat intake, while updates are provided on the relationships between alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco use and gastrointestinal cancers.  Simone puts his discouraging news into a helpful perspective with a diet plan to alleviate the problems – and indicates other lifestyle changes (exercise, relaxation) necessary to decrease the likelihood of cancer.  Excellent in itself, and a valuable corrective to some of the unfounded works on the subject around (including Kushi). 



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